Sunday, 28 February 2010

PZ Myers on Sunday Sequence

William Crawley has eventually broadcast the interview with PZ Myers recorded when he recently visited Ireland -
 listen to it here

Read PZ's blog

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

From our sponsor

If you are in Ireland watch this at your peril!

Monday, 8 February 2010

Visit the Blasphemy Exhibition in the Oonagh Young Gallery

The blasphemy exhibition in the Oonagh Young Gallery continues until Saturday 27 February, and is open from 12 to 6pm every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It’s a fascinating show, and well worth a visit.
Oonagh Young Gallery
1 James Joyce Street
Liberty Corner
Dublin 1

Thursday, 4 February 2010

"Voodoo Histories": When smart people believe dumb things

Salon spoke to Aaronovitch by phone about the Internet's role in spreading conspiracy theories, our new golden age of paranoia, and the dangers of believing Naomi Klein.
Read interview with David here

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

We are not alone!

The Northwest Freethought Coalition billboard ad now appearing on Lake City Way NE, north of downtown Seattle.

  This effort is part of a coordinated nationwide campaign that began last year. In December it included billboards in Baltimore, Houston and Tulsa. Each billboard is sponsored by a local, multi-organizational coalition of nontheistic (atheist and agnostic) groups.


I's reported that it will cost the taypayer £20m
The National Secular Society has a petition to make the nasty old bigot who opposes equality legislation, pay for his own trip.

Monday, 1 February 2010

PZ Myers in Belfast - QUB

Neil Reid - Humani Chairman has managed to persuade P Z Myers to give a lecture this Friday evening

He's not often in Ireland and this will be a must attend event for many people - Creationists and Evolutionists!!

'Complexity and Creationism' Promoting evolutionary biology to non-specialists

Peter Froggatt centre (Room G06) QUB
6pm Friday 5th Feb 2010

PZ Myers

Professor of Biology, University of Minnesota Morris

American Humanist Association's 'Humanist of the Year 2009'

Science Blog

Opponent of Creationism and Intelligent Design